Mushroom Gummies: The Best Supplements for Travel

The World Health Organization (WHO) assures us that the worst of the COVID crisis is now behind us.  It is an opportune time to start planning your next vacation. However, it’s important to note that while this is good news from the WHO, their announcements always come with a caveat.

Regardless of the presence or absence of COVID, prioritizing your health during travel, whether domestic or international, should always be a primary concern.

Doctors advise healthy travel preparations at least a week before the departure date. The focus of this preparation includes aspects such as nutrition, sleep, workouts, and, importantly, supplements. Selecting the right travel supplements will aid in overcoming the potential challenges that may arise during travels.

Before you hastily pack a plethora of supplements into your suitcase, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the common health challenges faced by travelers. You should also identify the most suitable supplements to take during your vacation.

Additionally, we will discuss practical tips on how to carry supplements without compromising their integrity and taking up excessive space in your travel bag.

Common Health Problems You Might Face While Travelling

If you have travel destinations on your bucket list that are unfamiliar to you, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks to your health and well-being. By understanding the challenges you might encounter, you can effectively plan your trip and take precautions to safeguard your health.

Let’s begin by discussing the fundamentals of a safe vacation, starting with the development of a health plan.

  • Conducting a simple internet search will provide you with scientific protocols and health studies related to your chosen travel destination.
  • These reports will offer valuable information about the climate, hygienic conditions, health risks, and other relevant details about the location.
  • Additionally, it’s advisable to make note of available medical facilities in case the need arises.
  • If you feel it’s necessary, consult with your physician to discuss the potential health risks associated with your travel destination.

Based on my experience, and I believe you’ll agree, many travelers overlook health precautions when planning their vacations, including the consideration of necessary vaccinations for specific countries.

An illness or health issue can quickly dampen your vacation experience. Trust me when I say that falling ill during your travels and being confined or dependent on medication will be the least of your concerns.

woman sneezing

In the following sections, we will explore the most common health challenges you may face while traveling. We’ll also provide advice on how to combat these challenges using mushroom supplements.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO)1, travelers commonly face the following health challenges:

Traveler’s Diarrhea: This condition is characterized by abdominal cramps and loose stools. It also presents symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fever.

Drinking contaminated water and consuming contaminated food are the main causes of this prevalent health issue among travelers.

Bacteria, parasites, and viruses are major culprits behind traveler’s diarrhea. Stress, indigestion, and drastic changes in diet can also contribute to this condition. While it is usually not serious, it can have financial and emotional impacts.

Common Cold: It is not uncommon for people to develop a cold while on vacation. Experts suggest that weather changes can confuse the immune system, leading to cold-like symptoms.

Influenza: After travelers’ diarrhea, influenza is the most common problem encountered by travelers. We often neglect certain hygienic practices we follow at home while on vacation. For instance, we may forget to wash our hands before meals, and it can be challenging to heat or purify water before consumption.

Additionally, our immune system, already weakened by the change in climate, may fail to mount an effective defense against pathogens present in food and drinks in other countries.

Respiratory Tract Infection: The number of people seeking treatment for respiratory tract infections upon returning from travel is increasing.2,3

It is important to note that the risk of upper respiratory tract infection is high among travelers, potentially due to various pathogens in the air.

Traveling to places with high pollution levels and humidity increases the risk of respiratory tract infections. Exposure to poor air quality, such as higher particulate content, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, etc., further enhances the risk.

Gastrointestinal Tract Problems: One of the primary reasons for traveling is to explore new cultures and try different things in life. The adventurous spirit in people leads them to take risks and sample new foods and drinks. Even if these items are not contaminated, they can still cause gastrointestinal problems.

For example, the spices used in preparing chicken tikka masala at an Indian restaurant in the US/UK can differ significantly from those used in India. Your gastrointestinal tract might not react well to the spicy local ingredients, resulting in stomach cramps, vomiting, indigestion, and other symptoms.

These health problems are not exclusive to travel in third-world countries. The pandemic has taught us to take precautions regardless of our destination.

Additionally, there are other less severe but equally important health challenges that travelers might face. The following challenges fall under this category:


Fatigue and Exhaustion: Feeling tired during a vacation is common and can be attributed to various factors.

Unfamiliar surroundings and the stress of planning can lead to fatigue. Traveling across different time zones can disrupt the body’s internal clock, resulting in jet lag symptoms.

Engaging in physical activities during vacation, especially if you are not accustomed to them, can also cause fatigue. Environmental stressors such as heat, cold, and humidity can contribute to exhaustion.

Poor Sleep: Changes in the sleeping environment, such as different beds, noise levels, or sharing a room with others, can affect the quality of sleep during vacations.

Additionally, excitement or unfamiliar surroundings can make it difficult for some people to relax and get adequate rest.

Cold, flu, stomach problems, and environmental conditions can also interfere with travelers’ ability to enjoy quality sleep during their vacation.

Nutritional Deficiency: While you may be willing to deviate from your routine for a few days, your body may not respond favorably to the change.

During a vacation, you often forgo your regular diet, which can result in nutritional deficiencies. Your focus shifts from consuming healthy foods to indulging in tasty treats.

This means you may consume more carbohydrates and fats than foods rich in vitamins and minerals, leading to nutritional imbalances and deficiencies.

macro mushroom

Mushrooms Supplements – Your Trusted Companion During Travel

Do you know the secret to a fantastic vacation? It’s all about keeping it simple, not worrying too much, and embracing life and nature with your loved ones.

If concerns about colds, flu, infections, and the like weigh on your mind, fear not—bring along a trusted companion: a mushroom supplement. Let me explain how mushrooms and mushroom supplements can help you maintain good health while on the road.

The rising popularity of mushrooms, coupled with their numerous potential health benefits, has earned them various names. They’re referred to as superfoods, next-generation foods, and nutraceuticals, among others, all highlighting their functional properties.

Mushrooms Take Care of Your Nutritional Needs

Mushrooms come in a wide array of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. If you’re already a regular consumer of mushroom supplements, you may not need multivitamin supplements.

Mushrooms are considered nature’s superfood for a reason. Functional mushrooms are low in calories and sodium, nearly devoid of fat, and packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.4

The exact nutritional composition varies depending on the mushroom species, but overall, they provide a rich array of essential nutrients.

So even if you indulge in exotic cuisine and deviate from your usual diet, a mushroom supplement will take care of your nutritional requirements during your travels.

Mushrooms Improve Your Gut Health

When it comes to promoting gut health during travel, many individuals turn to prebiotics or probiotics. However, if you have mushroom gummies at hand, you won’t need separate probiotic supplements.5

Several mushrooms are beneficial for the gut. Varieties such as Lion’s Mane, Shiitake, Turkey Tail, Reishi, and Chaga effectively fortify your defense against pathogens that pose a threat to your gut health.6 These all can be found in our top seller, the Mushie Power Bundle, with a whopping 8,000mg of organic super mushroom power per serving!

In addition to enhancing the gut microbiome, mushrooms also alleviate inflammation, thereby helping to prevent the onset of Irritable Bowel Disorders and other gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, these mushrooms strengthen the gut lining, further enhancing its resilience.

Mushrooms Support a Healthy Immune System

While you revel in the wonders of nature and man-made marvels during your vacation, your body is engaged in a fierce battle against pathogens. And there’s no better ally than mushrooms.

There are nearly a dozen mushrooms that can bolster your immune system and safeguard you from vacation-dampening colds and flu.

Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Maitake, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, and Oyster mushrooms all contain nutrients that support a healthy immune system. These mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans, which are immunomodulating agents that activate immune cells.7,8

Mushrooms for Better Sleep

We've already discussed the impact that travel and new destinations can have on your sleep patterns. Mushrooms can contribute to better sleep quality through various mechanisms.

Reishi deserves a special mention here, as it’s a key ingredient in many sleep-promoting supplements. Reishi possesses calming and relaxing properties that promote restful sleep.9 Additionally, the adaptogenic properties of mushrooms assist in achieving better sleep. Give our Mushie UNWIND gummies a try, they have 1,000mg of organic Reishi per serving.

Mushrooms to Energize the Body and Mind

Every hour of your vacation is precious, so don’t let fatigue and exhaustion hinder your enjoyment. Cordyceps is the ideal mushroom to invigorate your body and mind.

The bioactive compound cordycepin found in this mushroom enhances ATP production, which is the primary source of energy in the body. Embrace the power of Cordyceps to fuel your vacation experience.10,11 Bolster your energy needs with our Mushie ENERGY gummies, packed with 2,000mg of organic Cordyceps per serving!

Remember, the key to a great vacation lies in simplicity, worry-free living, and embracing life’s marvels and nature’s beauty with your cherished companions. If concerns about health and well-being arise, let the mushroom supplement be your trusted friend on the journey.

woman eating gummies

Why Take Mushroom Gummies During Travel

I have always desired my supplement routine to be an enjoyable experience, which is why I prefer mushroom gummies! These chewy treats provide a convenient and pleasurable way to improve one’s health.

There are numerous reasons why mushroom gummies are a superior choice over pills, tinctures, and powders.

They prove to be an ideal option for individuals who struggle with swallowing pills or simply dislike the experience. Furthermore, gummies have an undeniable appeal that attracts people of all ages. They present an excellent opportunity to incorporate supplements into the daily routines of both young adults and parents, even during travel.

If you are accustomed to using mushroom gummies, there is no need to alter your habit when traveling. However, those who typically take mushroom supplements in pill or powder form should consider switching to mushroom gummies, like our Mushie Organic Super Mushroom Gummies!

The advantages of using mushroom gummies during travel are plentiful. Allow me to highlight a few logical reasons.

Imagine you are camping or trekking and require additional physical and mental support to have the best possible experience. Mushroom gummies are perfectly suited to meet your needs.

Unlike pills and powders, gummies are convenient to consume. Simply pop a gummy or two whenever and wherever you require that extra boost. No water is needed to ingest gummies, and you won’t have to sacrifice valuable suitcase space for pill, powder, or tincture bottles.

Moreover, their compact size and portable packaging make mushroom gummies ideal travel companions. Taking supplement powder or tincture is not merely a matter of mixing it with water.

Achieving the correct dosage becomes quite challenging when hiking through lush forests or strolling along sandy beaches. With mushroom gummies, you can conveniently carry and consume them to support your health while on the go.

Final Thoughts

As travel restrictions ease, it’s important to prioritize health during vacations. To overcome common health challenges faced while traveling, mushroom gummies are recommended as effective supplements.

Traveling, within and outside the country, comes with certain health challenges. These include traveler’s diarrhea, colds, influenza, respiratory tract infections, and gastrointestinal problems. However, these challenges can be addressed with mushroom supplements.

Mushrooms are considered superfoods, providing essential nutrients and supporting gut health, the immune system, sleep quality, and combating fatigue.

Mushroom gummies are an ideal option for travel due to their convenience, taste, and portability. Unlike pills or powders, gummies can be consumed without water and effort. Plus, these require less suitcase space.

By incorporating mushroom gummies into your travel routine, you can maintain good health and enjoy your vacation.


  1. "Common Health Problems Associated with Travel in Developing Countries." Johns Hopkins Medicine. Johns Hopkins Medicine, n.d. Web. Available at:
  2. Brenner, Gabrielle M., et al. "Travel health risk perceptions and prevention behaviors of US study abroad students." Journal of Travel Medicine 21.6 (2014): 410-417. PubMed. Web. Available at:
  3. Steffen, Robert, et al. "Travel epidemiology—a global perspective." International Journal of Infectious Diseases 10.2 (2006): 107-113. Oxford University Press. Web. Available at:
  4. Riddle, Mark S., et al. "Infectious diseases acquired by international travelers visiting the United States." Journal of Travel Medicine 22.4 (2015): 248-253. PubMed Central. Web. Available at:
  5. Massad, Eduardo, et al. "Zika in the Americas and the rule of large numbers." The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17.7 (2017): e173-e176. PubMed Central. Web. Available at:
  6. Dos Santos, Jaime M., et al. "Two cases of ZIKV RNA-positive semen long after recovery from symptomatic infection, Czech Republic, 2016." International Journal of Infectious Diseases 55 (2017): 40-42. MDPI. Web. Available at:
  7. “Mosquito-Borne Virus Chikungunya Reported in 15 Latin American Countries and Caribbean Islands." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 Apr. 2015. Web. Available at:
  8. Martinez, J. "Outbreak of West Nile Virus Infection in Greece, 2010." Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal 2.3 (2011): 27-33. PubMed Central. Web. Available at:
  9. Tanaka, M., et al. "Zoonotic transmission of simian foamy virus from a Japanese macaque to a human." Journal of Medical Primatology 50.3 (2021): 190-193. PubMed Central. Web. Available at:
  10. Espinoza, L., et al. "Potential adverse effects of amodiaquine as used in malaria chemoprophylaxis." Journal of Travel Medicine 24.4 (2017): tax036. PubMed. Web. Available at:
  11. Shinohara, T., et al. "Mental Health Services and COVID-19: The Challenges of Telemedicine in an Emergency Situation." Journal of Science Policy and Research Management 55.Supplement (2020): 145-156. J-STAGE. Web. Available at: